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August is here, and we have a special month to remember the peace of this country and the world. Today, we hear from the Word of God from the Old Testament book of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah received his call to prophecy in 627 B.C., in the 13th year of the reign of King Josiah. Jeremiah was prophesying at a time when the southern kingdom of Judah was in the midst of a desperate struggle against the invading Babylonians, who had destroyed the Assyrians and taken over the Orient.
In such a time, Jeremiah was established as "a prophet of the nations".
Jeremiah sees two visions as he begins his prophetic work. The first is the flower of the amenemand. It is the Hebrew word shirkade, which is a corruption of the word "watch" (shawkade). In other words, it was a symbol of God's desire for the kingdom of Judah to discern its future in the course of the times and to be a watchman to prevent it from going down the wrong path.
The second is the " leaning, simmering pot from the north." It represents the military threat of Babylon. In these times, Jeremiah preached to the people about God's righteousness and "turning" to the true God.
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Today, we will offer a service titled "Summer Music Service." We have invited Mr. Nobuyuki Miyazaki from Oizumi Baptist Church as a performer. Mr. Miyazaki has brought his instrument to play at every special meeting at Oizumi Baptist Church, such as Christmas.
Not only that, but at ICU (International Christian University), where he worked, he also teamed up with several faculty members to perform during the university chapel, mainly on woodwind instruments, as an ensemble.
I myself drove from Nerima to Mitaka to attend the service in the ICU chapel and listened to Mr. Miyazaki's performance from the front pew. One piece that particularly stuck with me was Faure's "Requiem. I felt as if the sorrow of separation was healed when I heard this quiet, soothing piece.
Today's summer music service will be our church's first in four years, since 2019. Through our first music worship service in a long time, let us experience with our bodies the importance of the role of music in worship and how wonderful it is. Let us also experience the joy of praising the Lord through worship.