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Our church celebrated the Nativity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by holding a Christmas service on the 22nd and a Christmas Eve candlelight service on the 24th with many people. Especially on the 22nd, we had a love feast with newcomers, and in the afternoon, we had a celebration party where we watched a performance by each class and enjoyed it together. < br /> Today is the last Sunday we will offer worship services for this year. This morning, we will share the Word of God with Ephesians chapter 5 as the given passage. Here Paul says, “You were darkness before, but now you are light, united to the Lord. Light is a lamp that illuminates the darkness and therefore we are able to walk in the right direction.
I believe that the world today has lost this “light”. The leaders of each country are so occupied with their own country that they seem to have no time to worry about other countries. In these times, I would like to share with you the importance of walking as a child of light through today's scriptures. < /span>
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According to Luke 2, which describes the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ, Augustus, then emperor of the Roman Empire, conducted a survey of the world's population. This survey allowed Rome to determine the correct number of inhabitants of the provinces, to strictly collect taxes, and to impose military service and labor on the inhabitants of the provinces for the purpose of defending the surrounding areas.
In response to the population survey, Joseph, who had been living in Galilee, took his wife Mary, who was pregnant, up to Bethlehem in Judea. However, all the inns were full, and Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable where animals were staying. Thus, Jesus, who was born as the Savior of the world, was laid in a manger. The Bible says, “For there was no place for them to stay in the parlor.” However, there is no word for “lodging” in the original text. It says, “There was no room for them in the guest room.
We will read about what Christmas was all about, with Gospel of Luke as a clue.
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What kind of woman was Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ? Her birthplace, Nazareth, is a village whose name is never mentioned in the Old Testament. It was probably a lonely village far from the cities like Jerusalem. In Palestine at the time of Jesus, almost 90 percent of the population was engaged in agriculture. Mary was probably born into a farming family.
Then the angel Gabriel appears to her and tells her that she is carrying the Son of God in her womb. For Mary, this must have been “a bolt from the blue.”
But she finally answers the angel. “I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” In other words, Mary was a woman after God's own words.”
Today's passage describes the hymn that Mary uttered when she met Elisabeth and heard her words of blessing. This hymn of Mary is called the Magnificat (Latin), The Canticle of Mary (English), which begins, “Praise the Lord, my soul. On this morning of the third week of Advent, I would like to share with you the word of God from this hymn of Mary.
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The event of Christmas can be read as the one of “God becoming man” according to Philippians. It is not easy for historians to figure out when the real birthday of Jesus Christ is. Nevertheless, there is a certain inevitability in the fact that the early Church designated the day as December 25. By designating it as a national holiday, we could commemorate it as the decisive day on which the communion between God and man began
Jesus Christ is in this sense the “Mediator” (Mittler: German). This means that Jesus Christ became the mediator between God and man, the one who opens fellowship with God. Just as a matchmaker stands between two families in an arranged marriage and brings them together, so Christ has taken on the role of uniting mankind, who has fallen away from God and fallen into sin, with God.
Philippians describes Christmas as “the event of God's humility. Today we will listen to the Word of God using this passage as a given Scripture.