メッセージ : 2025年 1月19日 主日礼拝
投稿者 : webmaster 投稿日時: 2025-01-19 16:19:30 (89 ヒット)

礼拝説教「希望をもって生きる」  ペトロの手紙一(1 Peter)  1:3-9
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●1月19日   週報巻頭言  牧師 木村一充

Today's Summary  ” Live with Hope ” by  Rev. Kazu Kimura

    The First epistle of Peter is one of the New Testament letters known as the epistles of the canon (Catholic Epistles) or the general epistles. It is called a canonical letter because, for example, Paul's letter is addressed to a single church and written to a limited number of readers, whereas this letter is written to “a chosen people who are scattered and temporarily living in various places in Pontus, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (i.e., believers living according to the Lord in a wide This is because it is a letter written to “the chosen people who are living in temporary residence scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (i.e., believers who are living according to the Lord in a wide area).< br />    The author, Peter, was in Rome at the time and wrote this letter with the intention of having Silwano (= Silas) read it to the flock of the various churches in the form of a circular letter.
   Today's theme in chapter 1 is “Hope for the Last Days. Peter says, “You love Christ even though you have never seen Him, you believe in Him even though you do not see Him now, and you are full of joy too great for words. With this theme of “hope in Christ” as our theme, we would like to listen to the Word from 1 Peter together today. < /span>


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