イエス・キリストはこの意味で「仲保者」(Mittler:独 )であります。これは、イエス・キリストが神と人の仲立ちとなり、神との交わりを開く人となられたということです。ちょうど、見合い結婚をする際に、仲人が間に立ち、両家の縁結び役をつとめるように、キリストが、神から離れ罪の世界に陥った人間を神と結びつける役割を担ったのです。
●12月8日 週報巻頭言 牧師 木村一充
The event of Christmas can be read as the one of “God becoming man” according to Philippians. It is not easy for historians to figure out when the real birthday of Jesus Christ is. Nevertheless, there is a certain inevitability in the fact that the early Church designated the day as December 25. By designating it as a national holiday, we could commemorate it as the decisive day on which the communion between God and man began
Jesus Christ is in this sense the “Mediator” (Mittler: German). This means that Jesus Christ became the mediator between God and man, the one who opens fellowship with God. Just as a matchmaker stands between two families in an arranged marriage and brings them together, so Christ has taken on the role of uniting mankind, who has fallen away from God and fallen into sin, with God.
Philippians describes Christmas as “the event of God's humility. Today we will listen to the Word of God using this passage as a given Scripture.
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