メッセージ : 2023年 9月10日 主日礼拝
投稿者 : webmaster 投稿日時: 2023-09-10 17:49:28 (235 ヒット)

礼拝説教「主の鍛錬」" The Lord’s discipline"  ヘブライ人への手紙(Hebrews) 12:4-7


●9月10日 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ” The Lord’s discipline ” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

   The letter to the Hebrews was written to so-called second-generation Christians. The readers of this letter were not beginners in the Christian faith, but were expected to become mature believers.
   Their leaders were men who had done admirably in the past, had been called to martyrdom, and had won the battle of faith admirably. In 13:7, it is written, "Remember those leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Look carefully at the end of their lives and imitate their faith." Their leaders had died a martyr's death.
   Today, there is no persecution, or oppression of the faithful by the powers of authority, as there was when this letter was written in the 80s A.D. However, we cannot deny that living the faith is always a "battle," no matter the era. The temptations of the world, wealth, honor, and other forces that tempt us are working against us.
   But blessed are those who can accept hardship as the Lord's discipline, even if it strikes them. God never abandons those who live by faith. Those who go through any hardship will be given "the fruit of peaceful righteousness."


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