メッセージ : 2023年 5月28日 ペンテコステ礼拝
投稿者 : webmaster 投稿日時: 2023-05-28 15:11:56 (311 ヒット)

礼拝説教「聖霊が降(くだ)る日」 ❝The Day when Holy Spirit Descends from Heaven❞   使徒言行録(Acts) 2:1-13

  五旬祭は、本来イスラエルの三大祭りの一つであった「七週の祭り」を新約聖書の教会が受け継ぐ形で祝われました。ユダヤでは小麦の穂に鎌を入れた日から数えて七週目に、神から受けた祝福を感謝し、収穫感謝の捧げもの をする祭りとしてこれを祝いました。その日は、モーセが神の山(ホレブ;シナイ山)で主から律法を与えられた日と重なるとされ、大切な記念日になりました。

●5月28日  ペンテコステ礼拝 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ❝The Day when Holy Spirit Descends from Heaven❞  by Rev. Kazu Kimura

   Today we have Pentecost worship. Pentecost means "50th day" in Greek. Today is Sunday, the 50th day since Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and was resurrected. In today's Bible passage, Acts 2:1, it says, "When the day of Pentecost came,"
   Pentecost was originally celebrated by churches in the time of the New Testament, which took over the Feast of Weeks, one of the three major festivals of Israel. In Judea, they celebrated on the seventh week from the day when they put the sickle into the first ears of wheat, as a festival of giving thanks for the blessings received from God and offering thanksgiving for the harvest. That day was considered to coincide with the day when Moses received the law from the Lord on the mountain of God (Horeb; Mount Sinai), and it became an important Memorial Day.
   The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in front of the Jews who had come up to Jerusalem from all over the world to celebrate the three major Jewish festivals, and then they taught the words of the Gospel with “understandable words”. Today, we will listen to the message of the Bible from this passage.


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