2024年12月 1日 第一アドベント礼拝

投稿日時 2024-12-01 18:23:41 | カテゴリ: メッセージ

礼拝説教「救い主誕生の預言」" Advent "  イザヤ書(Isaiah) 9:1-6
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  本日の礼拝は、アドベント第1週の礼拝となります。アドベントとは、ラテン語のAdventus (アドベントス)から来た言葉で、この言葉は、元来「到来、接近」を意味する名詞です。すなわち、神の御子であるイエスというお方が、この世にお生まれになる日が、間もなくやってくる時期という意味で使われます。

●12月1日 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ” Advent ” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

    Today's worship service is the first week of Advent. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” a noun that originally meant “coming or approach. It is used in the sense that the day when Jesus, the Son of God, is about to be born into the world is coming soon.
   The start date of Advent depends on each year's calendar, but the end date is fixed. Advent begins each year on the Sunday closest to November 30 and ends on December 24. This year, today, December 1, is its start date.
   God wanted the world he created to be peaceful, full of love, joy, and life. This world for real, however, isn’t so. Therefore, He sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world as the Prince of Peace. This is the event of “God becoming man.” According to the Gospel of John chapter 1, it is said that this is the event in which “the Word became flesh.” We spend this period of time looking forward to the coming (nativity) of Jesus Christ, the true Light of the World, who will illuminate all people.

