2023年 8月13日 平和祈念礼拝

投稿日時 2023-08-13 16:08:46 | カテゴリ: メッセージ

礼拝説教「平和を実現する」" Achieve Peace"  マタイによる福音書(Matthew) 5:9


●8月13日 平和祈念礼拝 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ” Achieve Peace” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

    Today's Gospel of Matthew 5:1 and following is the famous passage known as the so-called "Sermon on the Mount," where the eight blessed words of the Lord Jesus ("Blessed are you") are addressed to His disciples.
    Today's verse 9 speaks of blessings for peacemakers," one of them. Verses 1 through 8 speak of blessings for those who possess the qualities of those indicated by adjectives (poor in spirit, meek, merciful, etc.), but in verse 9, for the first time, "peacemakers," those who are qualified by verb (to make peace), are introduced. There is a deeper meaning here. That is, "peace" is dynamic, not static, and it does not come after conflict, but rather before it, prior to it.
    The Church proclaims "the peace of Christ" to this world. It is the work of the Church to tell the world about the event of reconciliation between God and man that took place through the cross of Jesus Christ. The work of reconciliation and the forgiveness of sins that only the "Son of God" could do, which no man can do, the Church speaks of as the gospel of peace.

