礼拝説教「主に望みをおく」 ❝Wait for the Lord ❞ 詩編40編 (Psalms) 40: 2-5
●6月11日 週報巻頭言 牧師 木村 一充
Today's Summary ❝Wait for the Lord❞ by Rev. Kazu Kimura
Today's Psalm 40 has the subheading "David's Hymn." Here, one psalmist who borrows David's name expresses his experience of some great trial, as well as his feelings of gratitude and joy after passing through it.
He does not elaborate on what the experience was like. However, when the poet was thrown into the middle of this ordeal, he says that he experienced muddy suffering and grief, with his hopes for the future cut off.
In our walk of life with faith, we experience similar suffering and sorrow. Often that suffering is "suffering because of Christ. We often think to ourselves, "If I didn't have faith, I wouldn't have to suffer like this..."
But in today's Psalm 40, the poet concludes with thanksgiving: "The Lord listened, and heard the cry. He gave me a new song, praise to God."
Today, we hear God's message from Psalm 40.