2023年 5月14日 主日礼拝

投稿日時 2023-05-14 17:05:40 | カテゴリ: メッセージ

礼拝説教「一つの体、一つの肢体」"One Body, Each Limb"  コリントの信徒への手紙一(Corinthians1) 12:20-26


●5月14日 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ” One Body,  Each Limb” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

   In today's passage of scripture, 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, the apostle Paul explains the "spiritual gifts" given to each member of the church.
   He says that the Triune God gives “the spiritual gifts” to each person according to each personality; to one there is given a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge, to another faith by the same Spirit . And he says each gift is different because they are “for the common good.” (ver. 7).
   The Church of Christ is exactly "one body," as Paul preaches. In the human body, the eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't want you," or the head to the foot, "I don't want you." Each one plays a role as an important part of the body.
   The church is same, says Paul. Each person is a limb that constitutes “the body of Christ.” Good looks aren't important. On the contrary, Paul says that the part that "looks weak in the body" is actually necessary.

