2023年 4月23日 主日礼拝

投稿日時 2023-04-23 15:34:13 | カテゴリ: メッセージ

礼拝説教「神の祝福を求める」"Wanting God’s Blessing " 創世記(Genesis) 27:34-38

 一つは、エサウが長子の特権を軽んじたということです(創世記25:34)。 二つ目は、エサウが、外国人(ヘト人)の娘を妻としたことです(創世記 26:34)。これらは、小さなことではありませんでした。信仰生活はわたしたちが何を大切にして生きるかという態度と直結しています。祝福が与えられる生き方とは何か。それを創世記から学びます。

●4月23日 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ” Wanting God’s Blessing ” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

   Genesis ch.27 mentions the case of cause that the younger brother Jacob, not the older brother of twins, was chosen as an Issac’s heir out of rule, in the story of the leaders of the tribe, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
   The case was that Jacob conspired with his mother, Rebekah, to disguise himself as his older brother, moreover, he tricked his father Issac into thinking he was Esau by making him eat deer meat, which was Issac’s favorite, and cheated God’s blessing from his father.
   Esau did not have a special fault. However, the Bible mentions 2 inappropriate behaviors in Esau to become a leader of Israel as people of God; as a foreshadowing of such a case.
   First, Esau despised his birthright. (Gen. 25:34) Second, Esau married foreign daughter (the Hittite). (Gen. 26:34)They were not trifles. A life of faith is directly linked to the attitude of what we cherish in our lives. What is the blessed life? We learn it from Genesis.

