2023年 4月 9日 イースター礼拝 (Easter Service)

投稿日時 2023-04-09 14:54:25 | カテゴリ: メッセージ

礼拝説教「主は復活された」"The Lord Is Risen" ヨハネによる福音書(John) 20:11-16


●4月9日 イースター礼拝 週報巻頭言  牧師 木村 一充

Today's Summary ”The Lord Is Risen” by Rev. Kazu Kimura

  Jesus died on the cross, was taken down from the cross before sunset on that day, and was buried in the tomb in Joseph's Garden in Arimathea, where he offered to take him.
  The next day was the Sabbath, Saturday for Jews, and people could not go far.
  So, early on Sunday morning after the Sabbath, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus. It is believed that Mary even thought that she would have someone roll the stone and take the body of Jesus.
  But when she looked at the tomb, the stone had been removed from there. The tomb was empty. Mary hastened to tell this to Peter and another disciple (the disciple whom Jesus had loved). When they looked inside the tomb, they found nothing but the strips of linen.
  She said that after they had gone home, she stood dumbfounded there and was crying. Then the resurrected Jesus appeared. "Woman, why are you crying?" Jesus asked to Mary. From this passage, we will listen to the Easter message today.

